Dear Lord,
I pray for Leroy Carhart. I pray that you will open his eyes to see the reality of what he is doing. I ask that you not let him see the unborn babies as "parasites" (like he describes them) but as fully formed human beings who deserve a chance at life. I pray for the hearts of the abortion workers who assist Leroy Carhart. I pray you will help them to have the strength to tell Carhart what he is doing is wrong.
Lord, I also ask you that when Carhart realizes what he is doing is wrong, he will find the forgiveness that only comes through your son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for the worst of sinners in the world. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness!
I also pray for the mothers of the unwanted babies. I pray that you will give them comfort and encouragement. I pray they will find the resources available to them to help care for their children. I ask that you also give the families of children with abnormalities or disorders the strength to allow their babies to be born alive and the strength to deal with the loss or extra difficulty of raising children with special needs. Please help them to see the children as a blessing and as a child worth giving them a chance at life. Please help them to realize these children are a human being in need of love and special care and not an inconvenience that can be thrown in the trash or flushed down the drain.
I also pray for the hearts of all of the Christians in Maryland. Please unite us and give us unity to stand up against this evil. Protect us from Satan's attacks. Keep your hand of protection around us. Give us strength to care for the women, the unborn babies, and to show Leroy Carhart what he is doing is very very wrong and he can find forgiveness. Please soften Carhart's heart and help him to turn his compassion and his heart to you and to protect the lives of the unborn instead of ending them. Help us show them the love and forgiveness that only comes through Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection!
In Jesus' name I pray... Amen!
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