Dear LeRoy Carhart, M.D.,
Every human heart is made for joy—including yours. If you do not have joy as the core of your life, then you do not really know God. I'm not talking about mirth, excitement, or temporary happiness. I'm talking about an abiding joy and peace that, in your heart of hearts, makes you glad you're alive because life is precious and glorious. We are all made for that kind of joy. It's the summit of the Christian life; it is life to the fullest.
Your life cannot be full of joy if it is stained with blood. Why? Because God did not bring death into the world. Death is the wages of sin. So dealers in death are employed not in God's work, but in the work of Satan, the Accuser, the Deceiver, the Father of Lies. Death can only bring more death; it kills not only the body, but mortally wounds the soul of those who participate in it. God wants to free you from the bondage of death. He wants to give you hope and joy. But whatever you do to the least ones—the helpless innocents—you do to Him. You cannot be doing God's work, because the work you do breaks God's heart. What you do does not help women. Pregnancy is not a problem to be solved or a disease to be cured. Pregnancy centers, free health care provided by charities, adoption agencies, and organizations like the Gabriel Network help women. Why can't you help them without killing? Have you ever asked yourself that?
Every human heart is made for joy—including the heart you stop from beating by lethal injection. You cut life short before it even has the chance to find out why life is worth living. Think of your grown daughter. Is her life worth living? Do you want her to know joy? What makes her life any more sacred than all the others? Because she's yours? But the truth is she's not yours. She belongs to God. We all do. God gave each of us life and he called it Good. We have no right to take the life of any human being, no matter how inconvenient, even if it means sacrificing our own life to save the life of another. Life is precious. Your life is precious. Don't throw it away while there is still a chance to redeem it.
Jesus died to give you life. But if you continue to kill, then you remain one of his unrepentant crucifiers—and nothing can save you from the death you yourself have earned by your sins. You were made for joy. Humble yourself before the Lord, recognizing your need to be saved from the bondage of sin and death, and that true freedom of joy and peace will be yours for all eternity.
Praying for you daily.
In the arms of Mercy,
Cathy Kelly
Respect Life Committee, Coordinator
Mother Seton Parish
Germantown, MD
“Every human heart is made for joy.” -Pope John Paul II
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